Monday, November 7, 2011


employs an
theory are not based on hypothesis but on
discovery leads to understanding the general characteristics of natural processes.
Mathematical models are then developed which separate the natural processes
into theoretical-mathematical descriptions. Therefore, by analytical means the
necessary conditions that have to be satisfied are deduced. Separate events
must satisfy these conditions. Experience should then match the conditions. The
theory of relativity belongs to the class of principle theories. As such itanalytic method. This means that the elements which comprise thisempirical discovery. The empirical
special theory of relativity
and general theory of relativity are connected.’
On Einstein’s theory of relativity- Wikipedia
Clinical applications
First degree and second degree burns
Diabetes- improves blood glucose/stabilizes sugar levels
Hyperlipdemia- lowers blood lipids
Ulcerative colitis
metastasis particularly in lung cancer
Immunostimulant- aiding in fighting cancer/limits tumor growth and
Improves circulation
Hypertension- lowers blood pressure
Reduction in joint inflammation, arthritis, rheumatism
Laxative- improves peristalsis thus fights constipation
Lessens the symptoms of heartburn, peptic ulcer and Crohn’s disease
considered a potential treatment for AIDS patients.
Because of its stimulation and boosting of the immune system Aloe Vera is
virus from replicating and spreading through its correlations with
increased interferon production [an antiviral protein with the ability to
interfere with viral replication by rendering cells refractory to protein
Acemannan one principle of Aloe Vera has been shown to slow the AIDS
Reduction in Chronic disease risk and helps in recuperation after illness.
Lowers triglycerides, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels.
may help in weight loss for the obese.
Because of high levels of collagen which help maintain lean body mass
Detoxifies the body.
Genital herpes
Should however be taken in moderation since high intake can result in lowered potassium levels.
allium sativum]
Clinical applications
Hyperlipdemia- lowers lipid levels
vessels through the blood thinning’ cascade effect’ thus reducing chances
of stroke and heart attack.
Thrombosis- reduces formation of clots [platelet aggregation] in blood
Hypertension- lowers blood pressure
Reduces menstrual pain, muscle pain, nerve pain and arthritis.
Treats corns, warts, calluses ear infection and other dermatological
Vermifuge- treats intestinal worms.
Diabetes- reduces blood sugar levels
Immunostimulant- aids in combating cancer/ retards tumor formation and
remedy against the oxidative effects caused by free radicals.
Increases blood levels of antioxidant enzymes thus acts as an effective
Prevents LDL cholesterol oxidation.
Lowers triglycerides and cholesterol levels.
Inhibits lipid peroxidation in the liver retarding the aging process of liver
Maintains the health functioning of the liver.
Detoxification of the liver and entire body thus improving metabolism.
cryptosporidium, toxoplasmosis and other opportunistic infections.
Garlic has been used reasonably successfully in AIDS patients to treat
act as lipid solvents inactivating the infectivity of viruses including herpes
viridae, hepatitis B and HIV [in vitro findings].
The ethers in garlic though this has not been substantiated empirically
lymphocytes and macrophages- these cells which flow with the blood
protect us from micro-organisms, and furthermore they are able to
destroy cancerous cells, at least in the initial phases of tumor formation.
Garlic stimulates the activity of the defensive cells of the body, both
augmenting the defensive ability of our body, besides directly destroying
certain micro-organisms.
The consumption of garlic has a good effect on any infectious disease
the kidneys, the liver and the skin.
Depurative- purifies the body by enhancing elimination of waste through
viruses, such as HERPES and HIV 1 and 2- the active principles of garlic
are supposed to interact with the nucleic acids of the virus, thus limiting
its proliferation.
Garlic principles act against various types of fungi, yeasts, and some
Coli, Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, Candida- due to
sulfurated essence which diffuses easily throughout the body’s tissues.
Principles act in vitro and in vivo against the following micro-organisms: E
Balances the intestinal flora and stimulates natural immunity.
which acts as a coenzyme within the body facilitating the numerous
chemical reactions essential to carbohydrate and fat metabolism allowing
these nutrients to provide energy to the cells- lack of NIACIN manifests
itself by dry, cracked, red skin as well as muscular weakness and
Serious deficiency of NIACIN causes PELLAGRA characterized by the so
Rich in Vitamin C- ASCOBIC ACID and Vitamin B 3 – NIACIN PPFactor
High intake may however reduce clotting effects in platelets prolonging bleeding in injury and child birth
thus not recommended in pregnancy.
zingiber officinale]
Clinical applications
Antispasmodic- it relaxes all types of muscles
digestive system.
Aromatic- ginger’s aroma, flavor and warmth help to stimulate the
Diuretic hence prevents fluid retention and oedema
stimulate peristalsis thereby supporting digestion and reducing gas
and flatulence/ helps cure and prevent- dyspepsia, slow motility
symptoms, constipation, gastroparesis.
Carminative- the volatile oils in ginger relax the stomach and
through the skin.
Diaphoretic- it induces perspiration and the elimination of toxins
blood capillaries thus increasing circulation.
Rubefacient- applied to the skin, ginger stimulates and dilates the
Sialogogue- ginger promotes the secretion of saliva.
body’s physiological systems.
Stimulant- as a circulatory aid, ginger supports and speeds up the
through the ‘cascade effect’- preventing obstructions that result in
stroke and heart attack.
Cardiovascular- prevents the formation of clots in blood vessels
Rhematism and joint pain prevention
Fatigue, headache, nausea and poor dietary habits remedy.
Energy levels, mood, emotion are improved promoting balance.
stimulates circulation therefore it is considered useful in colds,
influenza, mucus congestion and fluid blockages in the body.
Detoxification- ginger expels toxins opens the pores of the skin and
Detoxifies the liver with effects in lifting depressive, angry or sad
metabolic effects and support to body systems.
For the energy and mind ginger inspires confidence due to its
necrosis factor [TNF-
Ginger principles promote the production of the cytokine Tumor∞] in the alveolar macrophages which might
express an antiviral HIV, influenza, Hepatitis B effect.
Improves male health.
Must be avoided however during pregnancy for it may result in abortion although some practitioners
content it reduces motion and morning sickness.
Clinical applications
Best known as excellent source of nutrition and a natural energy booster.
Leaves rich in iron therefore highly recommended for expectant mothers.
complete food for total nutrition –more Vitamin A than carrots, more
calcium than milk, more iron than spinach, more Vitamin C than the
orange, more potassium than the banana and the protein quality of
Moringa leaves rivals that of milk and eggs.
Since all essential amino acids are present Moringa may be rightly called a
Analgesic- alcoholic extracts of the leaf possess marked analgesic activity.
Anti-inflammatory activity- poultice of leaves is beneficial in glandular
solvent ether [
with improved CD4+ counts] and ethyl acetate extracts of seeds was
screened using yeast induced hyperpyrexia method. Paracetamol was
used as a standard for comparison. The ethanolic and ethyl acetate
extracts of seeds showed significant antipyretic activity.
Antipyretic activity- the antipyretic activity of ethanolic, petroleum ether,ethers have antiviral activity- thus moringa’s correlation
symptoms of asthma and simultaneous improvements in respiratory
Antiasthmatic activity- a study showed appreciable decrease in severity of
incision and dead space wounds the ethanolic and ethyl acetate extracts
of leaves showed significant wound healing activity that is comparable
with the standard vicco turmeric cream. PHYTOSTEROLS AND PHENOLIC
COMPOUNDS present in these extracts promote the wound healing
Wound healing properties- when assessed for healing activity in excision,
be effective in lowering blood sugar levels within 3 hrs ingestion.
Antidiabetic activity- an extract from the Moringa leaf has been shown to
enveloped viridae e.g., HIV 1/2, herpes, etc] of leaves of Moringa have
shown very significant hepatoprotection aganst CCL induced
Hepatoprotective activity- the methanolic and chloroform extractschloroform has antiviral properties due to its lipid solvent properties on
the seeds were tested for antitumor promotive activity using 7, 12 DMBA
as initiator and TPA as tumor promoter. From the results, niazimicin,
thiocarbamate from the leaves of Moringa oleifera was found to be potent
chemopreventive agent in chemical CARCINOGENESIS.
Antitumor and anticancer activity- few isolated bioactive compounds from
enzymes, antioxidant parameters and skin papillomagenesis.
The seed extracts also effective on hepatic carcinogen metabolizing
principle pterygospermin has powerful antibacterial, antiviral and
fungicidal effects.
Antimicrobial activity – rich in antimicrobial agents- the active antibiotic
juice is known to have a stabilizing effect on blood pressure.
Antihypertensive, diuretic and cholesterol lowering activities- Moringa leaf
Antispasmodic, antiulcer and anthelmentic activities.
blindness and delays outset of cataracts. Juice can be instilled in eyes in
cases of conjunctivitis.
Blindness and eye infection- due to high Vitamin A prevents night
nervous system and acts as a cardiac stimulant.
Cardiac and circulatory stimulant- Moringa acts on the sympathetic
[80%] and ethanol [70%] extracts of freeze dried leaves showed radical
scavenging and antioxidant activities- acts on
potential source of natural antioxidants.
Antioxidant activity- oils derived from the dried seeds –aqueous methanolfree radicals. Leaves
and antibiosis.
Considerable efficacy in water purification by flocculation, sedimentation
activity in women.
Sexual virility- treats erectile dysfunction in men and prolongs sexual
Venomous bites- treats by snakes, spiders, scorpions etc
Clinical application
Improves skin texture
Prevents water retention in tissues- oedema
Improves digestion- heals constipation, colitis, abdominal distension
Nervous functioning- thinking, perceiving, memory
Respiratory tract- bronchitis, reduces phlegm, flu, colds
Reproductive- prolapse of the uterus
the eyes
Eye- high in betacarotene the precursor to Vitamin A thus good for
Richest in Vitamin C thus prevents disease associated with
viruses in cells- they increase the production of interferon an
antiviral protein produced within the body. Interferon interferes
with viral replication by rendering cells refractory to protein
AIDS- oranges slow but do not completely halt the development of
Richness in Vitamin C enhances iron absorption.
Vitamin C and facilitate the elimination of toxic residues such as
uric acid from the body.
Organic acids particularly citric acid potentiates the activity of
Vitamin A in the body act as powerful antioxidants [betacryptoxanthin,
lutein, and zeaxanthin].
Rich carotenoids similar to beta-carotene- which transform into
substances they contain- oranges increase the disease fighting
capabilities of LEUCOCYTES- they increase the number and
longevity of these white blood cells attributed to the combined
effect of folic acid and Vitamin C.
Thanks to the combination of Vitamin C and other natural chemical
the building of clot forming platelets in the blood thus oranges help
make the blood more fluid and improve circulation particularly in
the two organs requiring the most consistent blood supply- THE
The flavonoids found in oranges potentiated by Vitamin C inhibit
mutually potentiate themselves- VITAMIN C, QUERATIN,
The result is a powerful antioxidant effect on all of the body’s cells
ORANGES also contain four highly effective ANTIOXIDANTS that
have their biochemical origin in oxidizing phenomena- high doses of
VITAMIN C is proven to reduce blood pressure significantly.
Regular orange consumption including the pulp and even the
mesocarp is associated with reduced blood cholesterol, lowered
blood pressure and lower rates of arteriosclerosis, arterial
thrombosis and heart disease.
Today it is known that arteriosclerosis and the aging process itself
mechanisms: they stimulate the empting of the gall bladder
[CHOLAGOGIC effect] with the subsequent laxative effect of bile in
the intestine and their soft vegetable fiber stimulates peristaltic
action in the intestine.
Oranges help cure constipation and intestinal atony through two
hemorrhoids that often accompany it. To achieve the best results in
both cases an orange treatment should be followed----four to six
oranges per day.
In addition to relieving constipation, oranges alleviate the
May however perpetrate hyperactivity in the baby in pregnancy, and in young children.
cinnamomum verum/ cinnamomum aromaticum- cassia]
Clinical applications
Rich source of iron, calcium and manganese.
Increases energy and elevates the mood.
Calms the stomach and prevents ulcers.
cancer treatment- researchers are investigating its role in leukemia and
Contains benzaldehydes an active antitumor agent hence applicable in
Prevents urinary tract infection and candida.
Improves male health.
glass of water with a pinch of pepper powder and honey, can be
beneficially used in influenza, sore throat, and malaria.
Effective remedy for common cold- coarsely powdered and boiled in a
flatulence- a tablespoon of cinnamon water mixed with honey relieves
flatulence and indigestion.
Alleviates indigestion, stomach cramps, intestine spasms, nausea and
Serves as a good mouth freshener.
Cinnamon prevents nervous tension, improves complexion and memory.
finely powdered cinnamon mixed in water on the temples and forehead.
Alleviates headache produced by exposure to cold air- apply a paste of
Improves the appetite and treats diarrhea.
other inflammations as joint stiffness caused by arthritis in general
stimulating the healthy functioning of all the vital human organs.
Anti-inflammatory properties- thus useful in treating rheumatism and
asthma, excessive menstruation, paralysis, uterus disorders and
gonorrhea and good for female gynecological health.
Anti-spasmodic properties- thus useful in treating spasmodic afflictions,
Provides relief from morning sickness and nasal congestion.
Promotes healthy teeth and gums.
alleviating stroke, hypertension and other cardiovascular problems.
Anti-clotting properties- improves blood circulation thus useful in
Sometimes used as a prophylactic agent, to control German measles.
vaginal yeast infection.
Extracts active against candida albicans, the fungus responsible for
stomach ulcers.
Extracts active against helicobacter pylori, the bacterium responsible for
Antimicrobial properties are due to eugenol and cinnamaldehyde.
Extracts in vitro inhibit the growth of cultured tumor cells.
food-bourne bacteria such as Salmonella and E coli.
Useful as a food preservative to inhibit the growth of common
Boosts the immune system against infection.
polymers derived from an antioxidant catechins a compound which
increases insulin sensitivity by enhancing insulin receptor function and
increase glucose uptake.
Diabetes- stabilizes sugar levels due to water-soluble polyphenolic
A study involving 60 men and women, average age 52 years, who had
type 2 diabetes, were given half teaspoon a day of cinnamon for 6 weeks
and they showed a 25% decrease in fasting blood glucose levels as well
as a 12% drop in blood cholesterol levels and a 30% drop in blood
triglyceride levels.
Can be toxic in larger doses due to cinnamaldehyde, the major oily constituent of the bark.
Aney JS et. al [2009] Pharmacological and Phamaceutical potential of
Moringa Oleifera : A review,
Aloe vera research [1997] Research on clinical uses of Aloe vera,
Summary of Articles, Oxford University, htm
Davies JR [2010] Traditional western herbal products- Ginger zingiber
offffinale, Herbs Hands Healing, htm
Faley J [2005] Molinga Olefeira: A review of the Medical Evidence for its
Nutritional, Therapeutic and Prophylactic properties,
Falsetto S [2008] Healing properties of the Orange tree, htm
Grzanna R [2010] Ginger: An Herbal Medicinal Product with Broad Anti-
Inflammatory Actions, mhtml.
Hamman JH [2008] Composition and Applications of Aloe vera Leaf gel,
Journal of Pharmacy Research, vol. 2. Issue 9Trees for life Journal,
Mhtml:file://C:/ Documents [2010]- Health Benefits of Garlic.
Mama S [2010] Cinnamon and its healing properties, htm
Mandarin Orange, Wikipedia, htm
Moringa, Wikipedia, htm
Ping- Hsien Chuang et. al [2005] Antifungal activity of crude extracts and
essential oil of Moringa Oleifera, ELSERVIER htm.
Vegetarianism and vegetarian nutrition [2010] Cinnamon- Health benefits,
, 13, 1599-1616.
Moringa oleifera
Aloe vera
Mandarine orange
Damerera sugar
Missing due to unavailability in Malawi but pharmacologically pertinent
Morinda citrifolia [noni]
For security of product: -preparation technique still confidential to product trade mark!
Clinical applications- AIDS, Cancer, Hypertension, Diabetes, Asthma, Gastric atony, Ulcer, Hyperlipdemia, Cholestrol, Obesity

Friday, July 29, 2011



Most high prevalence sub-Saharan African countries- Malawi inclusive- tend to over-emphasize abstinence, fidelity and condom use as major preventative measures vis-à-vis the AIDS pandemic. Studies of behavior change that focus exclusively on the two measures of most interest to the prevention community- condom use and fidelity [faithfulness] or chastity [abstinence]- however bias examinations of behaviour change downward by ignoring other effective ways of limiting the epidemic. The prevailing debate over provider initiated testing in Malawi may depict a shift toward HIV testing and counseling in AIDS prevention. Not only that, the rejection of the National AIDS Commission’s proposal over counterproductive policy emphasis and neglect of efficacious strategies may depict the need for stringency in our AIDS prevention bid. The object of this short analysis is not to taut VCT as superior to other preventative strategies but rather to depict its central role in AIDS prevention. If we were to construe AIDS prevention from the systems approach with each preventative strategy considered as interconnected to other dissimilar strategies, I beg to vouchsafe how VCT could be perceived as the hub of the preventative system.
Based on empirically validated findings first, VCT has been shown to lead to safe sexual behaviors and increased condom use, thus preventing further spread of the disease [Vidanapathirana et. al, 2007]. Systematic review on the impact of VCT on risk behavior in developing countries reflects increased condom use. Second, VCT has been shown to be useful in targeting persons at high risk because risky behaviors are positively associated with the decision to take the HIV test [Miller, 1996]. A small Qualitative study conducted at MACRO empirically validates the observation. In focus group discussions conducted with three women groups with the objective of delineating facilitators and barriers to female uptake of VCT, it was universally alluded to that the VCT uptake rate among men may be higher because most men patronize HTC services to vilify themselves in face of their risky sexual debuts.

Third, research findings have documented how couple counseling could result in trust  and faithfulness between partners reinforcing intimacy and fidelity thus preventing the overall spread of HIV/AIDS and curtailing multiple and concurrent partnerships. The FGD referenced above also validated how couple counseling and testing could be a precursor to positive living as well as a means of limiting transmission of HIV to one’s partner in cases of sero-discordancy but only when all partners were aware of their serostatus since ignorance was shown to exponentially perpetrate the opposite trend. Forth, among the youth VCT has been proven to reinforce not only primary but above all else secondary abstinence. Youth tend to limit the number of their sexual partners and further indulge in safer sexual behaviors. Philosophies that are being promoted in AIDS prevention and whose efficacy has been verified in the name of ‘Zero Grazing’ in Uganda- adopted as ‘One Love’ in Malawi- have been reinforced where the youth know their sero-status through VCT.

From a systems approach, it is thus evident that condom use, fidelity [faithfulness], as well as abstinence [chastity] could be expedited and rendered more efficacious by scaling up and promoting VCT. The challenge however remains how programmes could be integrative in approach and emphasize the connectedness of the preventative strategies. In the absence of an efficacious vaccine and cure for HIV and AIDS, emphasizing on stringent mitigative strategies remains the window of hope in our desperate war against the HIV/AIDS pandemic not only in Malawi but sub-Saharan Africa in general.




The Human Immunodeficiency Virus [virus that causes AIDS] belongs to the large family of RNA viruses. The exact origins of HIV will never be completely elicited. There are however certain facts that have led to more or less general agreement among scientists as to the source of this epidemic. It is plausible to conclude that HIV is a pathogen new to the human race, the first documented cases of what is now known to have been HIV-1 infection in humans occurring in Central Africa in 1959. According to Robert Gallo and other theorists in what has come to be known as the Green Monkey Theory HIV infection of humans probably resulted from a non-pathogenic, sub-human primate retrovirus, which made a species jump from African monkeys and chimpanzees to humans. There is widespread evidence that many old world primates in sub-Saharan Africa, e.g., chimpanzees, mandrills, sooty mangabeys and African green monkeys, have been infected with retroviruses similar to HIV for thousands of years, although they are non-pathogenic and do not cause disease in these animals. The viruses are referred to as simian immunodeficiency viruses [SIV]. They have the same complex genomic structure as HIV, share 40-50% homology [genomic similarity] with HIV and infect T-lymphocytes through the CD4+ cell-surface receptor, just as HIV does.

It is probable that these retroviruses are the progenitor viruses from which HIV either mutated or recombined into the human population. Humans may have been exposed to these viruses as a result of killing and butchering monkeys. In doing so, blood from an SIV-infected non-human primate could have infected human through non-intact skin on the hands. Once SIV had gained entry to the human body, it found it could thrive in what was, after all, simply a closely related primate species. The concept of cross-species transmission, i.e., a zoonosis, refers to any disease or infection that may be transmitted between animals and humans under natural conditions. Several other infectious diseases of humans have a zoonotic origin, e.g., tuberculosis, rabies, brucellosis, Lassa fever and various tropical hemorrhagic fevers. The species leap may have occurred, from time to time, for many hundreds of years. However, HIV infection [and subsequent disease] remained episodic. Because of the rural [village] lifestyle, short life span and restriction of the number of different sexual partners in the past, the infection was not widely transmitted to other humans and remained localized to the village. Several factors conspired to change this episodic infection, first to an epidemic and then to a pandemic infection, including; the migration of rural populations into cities, changes in sexual behavior leading to more frequent changes in sexual partners, improved road, rail as well as air travel routes and international travel. In addition, increasing reliance on non-barrier forms of contraception, i.e., ‘the pill’, and injecting drug use also hastened the spread of HIV infection.

There is no evidence to support the theory painstakingly elaborated by journalist Edward Hooper that oral polio vaccines used in Africa during the 1960s and 1970s had been accidentally contaminated during manufacture with the chimpanzee strain of SIV and other simian tissues used as culture medium and may have contributed to the rapid spread of human HIV infection in Africa. There is also no evidence for other conspiracy theories as that HIV was accidentally cultured as part of other clinical research in other words ‘chance’ occurrence possibly in cancer research. There is neither evidence that HIV was deliberately cultured as a biological warfare experimental virus at the US Army’s bio-warfare department at Ft Detrick, Maryland or by the German biological warfare all the way back to the Nazi dominance or in the Russian secret service’s deliberate use of destructive viruses.

Other bizarre theories for the origins of HIV/AIDS as hypothesized by Edward Hooper allude to ex caelo origins [from the skies]. The tail of the comet theory elucidates that the viral material responsible for AIDS was carried in the tail gases of a comet passing close to the earth and that this material was deposited, subsequently infecting nearby people. Another such orthodox based theory stipulates that God’s wrath is responsible for the plague due to the sins of this generation. Wherever the virus emanated from, the bottom-line however remains that AIDS is here with us and we need to delve into mechanisms of not only containing the pandemic but researching a cure and possibly a vaccine all of which still remain a toll order.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Inspired by Sherly Crow & Stevie Nicks’ ‘ARE YOU STRONG ENOUGH TO BE…..’
Like a soldier in the midst of combat I am of courage by default
And to risk my genre- these scars of war just blind testimony
To the chances you would commit your little poor soul to
 Yet the big question still remains
Whether you would be strong enough to be my girl

You may concoct alibis redound
You may make me feel like I was on top of the world
Because fortitude to me is like a sinister byword
Yet to query myself will remain that blatant pastime-puzzle
Whether you would be strong enough to be my girl

When I am torn between duty and romance
When like an irate gorilla to thee a blind shoulder I seem to turn
And it feels like I no longer cared
Would you be strong enough to be my girl?

When the rules of engagement dictate home I shouldn’t stay
When it feels like I was just like chasing the wind
And home I came crippled, lost, maimed, and half-human
Would you be strong enough to be my girl?

When I would be broke and penniless
When to carter for your material desires I no longer would afford
And it felt like the world had come to an abrupt end
Would you be strong enough to be my girl?

Maestro ‘DAMBUDZO’ Williams


Factors determining the uptake of VCT among low income women: Focus group findings from Rural, Urban, and peri-Urban women groups in Lilongwe district-Malawi.





Mailing address:   Mzuzu University
                                Private Bag 201
                                Mzuzu 2


 Most high prevalence sub-Saharan African countries tend to over-emphasize abstinence, fidelity and condom use as major preventative measures vis-à-vis the AID pandemic. Studies of behavior change that focus exclusively on these strategies bias examinations of behaviour change downward by ignoring potentially effective ways of limiting the epidemic. The prevailing debate over provider initiated testing in Malawi may depict a shift toward HIV testing and counseling in AIDS prevention. The current qualitative study examines factors that determine VCT uptake among low income women in the Lilongwe district of Malawi. Focus group findings suggest; concerns about stigma and negotiating testing with partners as major barriers, the prominent motivator being recurrent illnesses downplaying the empirical impression about access to treatment as major incentive.

 Key words:  VCT,  Preventative health device, Diagnostic tool, Couple testing, Lilongwe, home-based service provision


Malawi is among the ten countries with the highest HIV prevalence in the world, estimated at 12% of adults aged 15-49 years by the National HIV Prevention Strategy
(2009), and pegged at 11.9% by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS -other countries with the highest global prevalence being; Swaziland- 26.1%, Lesotho- 23.2%, Botswana- 23.1%, South Africa- 18.1%,  Zimbabwe- 15.3%, Namibia- 15.3%, Zambia- 15.2%, Mozambique- 12.2%, and Kenya- high but not documented; in such descending order(UNAIDS/WHO, 2008). Although trends in HIV prevalence from sentinel surveillance indicate a slight decline, overall the downward trend in prevalence appears relatively shallow. In addition, some behavior indicators are stagnating or even worsening. The proportion of male youth aged 15-24 years having sex with more than one non-regular partner is high and condom use with non-regular partners is low. Further, three-quarters of the infection is in adults 20-40 years of age encompassing the most productive segment of the population with gross repercussions on the country in all sectors of development. According to the Biological and Behavioural Surveillance Survey (NAC, 2006) the proportion of respondents expressing an interest in getting tested for HIV amongst  targeted high risk groups [Male vendors, Male primary-school teachers, Female primary school teachers,  Male secondary school teachers, Female secondary school teachers, Male police officers, Female police officers, Long-distance truck drivers, Male estate workers, Female estate workers, Female boarder traders, Fishermen, Female sex workers (FSW)] was consistently lower than those who had ever tested for HIV indicating an unmet need in terms of HIV counseling and testing. The
same survey also documents that efforts to reach target population groups with messages regarding HIV and AIDS need to be continued through a diverse set of channels to reach those with little access to mass media such as television. It is thus unequivocal that HIV/AIDS is not only a public health, social, economic, and development issue challenging the individual and collective well-being and security of people in Malawi. Rather, the challenge of HIV/AIDS demands a high level of commitment, strong multisectoral collaboration and sustained action among all key stakeholders and the entire populace. Routine testing in hospitals and other health care facilities, for example,
significantly increases uptake and case finding among the attendees of these facilities, but cost and convenience issues often limit the use of health care facilities among most risk group strata in sub-Saharan countries. Although community-based approaches- like mobile Voluntary Counseling and Testing [VCT] units or home-based VCT provision- have been shown to dramatically increase the uptake of testing services, the rates of patronage still remain insignificant derailing the goals to attain ‘universal HIV testing and counseling [HTC]’ and underscoring the need for such stringent measures as door to door testing in Malawi. In the Action Plan for the National HIV Prevention Strategy- 2009-2013 [NAC, 2009], the strategic approach for among others Prevention of Mother to Child HIV transmission [PMCT] in Malawi provides for Universal HTC [including provider initiated testing and counseling] for women and their partners, and adolescents in child bearing age. The broad activities for the strategic action emphasizes on scaling up access to VCT in all districts, including early infant diagnosis at all PMCT sites; training of health workers to provide both pediatric and adult HTC services as well as psychological support- especially for children; production of Information Education and Communication [IEC] materials on HTC; the conducting of advocacy sessions in VCT; and the provision of VCT services including couple counseling through door to door, outreach, and mobile services. The strategic plan also emphasizes the involvement of Ministry of Health [MOH] partners in the provision of HTC services and general implementation of the plan. Malawi provides a good case study to explore VCT efficacy in the light of potentiating and inhibiting factors. Apart from being a success story vis-à-vis its stringent policy responses towards the HIV/AIDS epidemic, Malawi is considered by many to have strong prospects for containing the epidemic by virtue of the political will and commitment of local stakeholders. There are however three major gaps that stakeholders researching VCT efficacy have documented with respect to scaling up VCT in Malawi. MACRO, one of the leading stakeholders in the provision of VCT services cites; low female patronage, low couple patronage and low patronage in the youth category [15-24 age range] as major gaps afflicting the strategy in Malawi [MACRO Annual Reports; 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010]. Considering enormous gender constraints that women succumb to in Malawi the current study considered it expedient to delve into factors that might be barriers or motivators to women uptake of VCT particularly in the Lilongwe district of Malawi.


 According to UNAIDS, 42 million people in the world have HIV infection. Sub-Saharan Africa remains the region most heavily affected by HIV, accounting for 67% of all people living with HIV and for 75% of AIDS deaths in 2007 [UNAIDS, 2008]. Notably, the majority of new infections in the region are preventable and are spread through unsafe sex. It is only recently that VCT services have been considered important as an entry point for prevention and care interventions for HIV/AIDS. Research has shown that VCT can lead to the practice of safe sexual behaviors and increased condom use, thus preventing further spread of the disease [Vidanapathirana et al, 2007]. Systematic review on impact of VCT on risk behavior in developing countries shows increased condom use. VCT is also useful in targeting persons at high risk because risky behaviors are positively associated with the decision to take the HIV test [Miller, 1996]. VCT strengthens prevention efforts through risk-reduction strategies for HIV infected people and above all else provides evidence-based approaches to specific recommendations for prevention and control of HIV/AIDS [CDC, 2001] as well as being one of the monitoring and evaluating indicators of a second-generation HIV surveillance system [UNAIDS/WHO, 2002]. Access to VCT services nevertheless, remains limited and demand is often low in many high prevalence countries of sub-Saharan Africa. Furthermore, the quality and benefits of VCT, in particular with regard to confidentiality, counseling and access to clinical and social support, vary enormously. The crux of the problem however emanates from adverse concern with the limited success of various programmes of Public Health in initiating Behavioural change relative to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Malawi. The issue in perspective being the failure of large numbers of eligible adults to participate in HIV screening –VCT- programmes provided at no charge in centers conveniently located in various neighborhoods. The current study focused on factors motivating or inhibiting VCT uptake among low income women groups in rural and urban areas in the Lilongwe District of Malawi, research findings having documented low female uptake as a gap (NAC, 2009; MACRO, 2007-2010).

VCT efficacy vis-à-vis study justification

HIV testing is the process by which blood or body fluids are analyzed for the presence of antibodies or antigens produced in response to HIV infection [WHO, 2003]. Through VCT, an individual undergoes counseling, enabling him or her to make an informed choice about being tested for HIV. This decision must be entirely the choice of the individual, and he or she must be assured that the process will be confidential [UNAIDS, 2000]. It is usually combined with pre- and- post-test counseling. The pre-test counseling prepares the client by explaining and discussing the HIV test process, myths and misinformation about HIV/AIDS, implications of testing, risk assessment, risk prevention, and coping strategies. The main aim of post-test counseling is to help clients understand their test results and initial adaptation to their seropositive or seronegative status with referral as required. VCT is one of the key tools in HIV/AIDS prevention, and it includes benefits at the individual, community, and national levels. Although several strategies to increase the uptake of VCT among sub-Saharan populations have been suggested, factors that act as motivators for and barriers to uptake of VCT are rather elusive and difficult to delineate. It is estimated that up to 90% of HIV-positive individuals in low-income countries do not know their HIV status and may be unsuspectingly spreading the disease [UNICEF, 2006]. This according to the World Health Organization [2006] and UNAIDS [2008] underscores an urgent public health priority to immediately scale up HIV testing, treatment, and counseling in most sub-Saharan African countries which command the status of being epicenter to and bear a disproportionate brunt of the global pandemic. More so for Malawi, as in other high HIV- prevalent countries of sub-Saharan Africa, residents of rural areas often lack opportunities to be tested for HIV and to learn their status [Kimchi, 2005]. While VCT has been available in various facilities in Malawi for years, most testing centers are located in major urban areas. The dearth and paucity of studies on the efficacy, impact and effectiveness of VCT programs in Malawi in particular justifies the need to conduct studies delving into how the strategy could be expediently used to mitigate the spread of HIV/AIDS.


A qualitative paradigm- the Focus Group Discussion [FGD] was utilized to inform the study. The rationale for tool choice was based on UN analysis that ‘Prevention measures that are promoted globally are often at odds with what couples perceive as acceptable strategies to protect themselves within their own social and family environment’ (United Nations, 2002). Moreover, lay perceptions present a more complete picture of the factors that potentiate risk aversion/reduction: ‘[Ordinary people’s] basic conceptualization of risk is much richer than that of the experts and reflects legitimate concerns that are typically omitted from expert risk assessment’ (Slovic, 1987). Studies of behavior change that focus exclusively on the two measures of most interest to the prevention community- condom use and fidelity [faithfulness] or chastity [abstinence]- bias examinations of behaviour change downward by ignoring other potentially effective ways of limiting the epidemic. Consequently the FGD was used to learn how VCT could be used by ordinary Malawian women to complement other strategies in curbing the spread of HIV/AIDS. One of the main purposes of the study was to solicit information on ordinary women’s knowledge, behaviours and perceptions regarding VCT. The study sight is the district of Lilongwe, located in central Malawi. Convenient sampling was used to select the respondents involved in the study. Participants from three women groups namely; St John Nsamba, Women of Action and NAPHAM support group were involved in the FGDs conducted at different intervals. The first two groups St John Nsamba and Women of Action were sampled as primary groups, the former representing the urban sphere and the latter rural sphere. NAPHAM support group was sampled as a control group not only because it was neutrally peri-urban but more so because the group’s composition was unique. First, 100% of the respondents had undergone VCT and would be better positioned to inform the study on catalysts potentiating VCT uptake among ordinary women. Second, in an attempt to guard against gender bias the control group also included male respondents although the study basically targeted female respondents. In contrast the urban and rural primary groups’ participants were women whose majority had not screened for HIV with an exponential probability of informing on factors that inhibit or demotivate ordinary women from uptaking VCT. Approximately the eligible participants were within the age category 20-49 all of whom were either married or widowed, infected or affected by HIV/AIDS in one way or another.

Discussion questions ranged from those focusing on awareness and knowledge of HIV transmission dynamics, perception of possible asymptomatic status persons and possible risk factors of such a trend, possible benefits of testing, motivators to testing and possible barriers to testing. Specifically the following questions were posited for discussion- [1] The number of known means to avoid HIV/AIDS, [2] The number of known ways HIV could be transmitted, [3] Whether the respondents agreed that a healthy-looking person could be HIV positive, [4] What benefits there are to uptake VCT, [5] What factors motivate VCT uptake, and [6] What factors inhibit VCT uptake. The number of known means to avoid HIV/AIDS were modeled after the Malawi Demographic Health Survey (2000) with responses having a possible range from 0-14. The discussion question whether respondents agreed that a healthy-looking person could be HIV positive was chosen for the FGDs because it is thought to be related to one’s perception of risk as well as being a risk factor for contracting HIV/AIDS. While this was a small qualitative study with no intention to make observations that would be statistically representative and generalisable to the wider population of women in Malawi, the sample was large enough to capture adults whose varied experiences could shed light on a wide range of potentiating factors  or inhibiting factors to the uptake of VCT. The three FGD sessions were recorded, translated and transcribed. Thematic analysis was then utilized to isolate and synthesize key themes. Data collection was anonymous and consent sought to report and document findings.


Motivators for testing

Respondents who had uptaken VCT highlighted the main factors that had motivated their decision to test.

Recurrent illness and concern about possible symptoms of HIV

The majority of women who alluded to having uptaken VCT referenced recurrent illness as the major factor motivating them to test. Respondents mentioned recurrent malaria, tumors, shingles, and diarrhea as other illnesses and possible symptoms of AIDS that prompted then to consider uptaking VCT. Most of these respondents were rather grateful that they had tested and stipulated that even though they were positive, knowledge of their serostatus coupled with access to ART had lifted a burden of worrying about their healthy and status:

It was better I knew about my status because apart from accessing treatment whenever I happen to be suddenly sick I don’t engage in unwarranted assumptions about my status but rather immediately rush to the hospital to consult my doctor……in contrast someone who has not tested would rather be continuously anxious and just speculate her recurrent illness might be a sign of HIV/AIDS, but she would not be sure unless she underwent testing……so the speculation in itself is even more depressing than just having the courage and uptake VCT.’

Encouragement from significant others

One respondent alluded to encouragement from a relative although it is surprising that none of the respondents across the FDGs mentioned a health care practitioner as the source of motivation:

I suffered from malaria recurrently and my elder son encouraged me to go for VCT.

Personal encouragement and contact with PLWHA

One respondent alluded to the fact that contact with an apparently health HIV positive person gave her the drive to consider testing:

There she was healthy but testifying that she was on ART….so I thought if she could look just as health as she is yet be HIV positive I could as well be infected so I considered it expedient to uptake VCT.

Availability and presence of VCT service providers

Especially so for the rural group, it was highlighted that the mere presence of mobile or outreach VCT service personnel in the vicinity was a factor strong enough to potentiate women to screen for HIV:

In remote rural areas women may be motivated and consider it a rare opportunity if the outreach and mobile VCT team visits their area so the availability and proximity may motivate the uptake even when there was no prior intention to do so.

Planning to have a child

The possibility of preventing transmission of HIV to an unborn child was also highlighted as a motivator to testing even in the absence of recommendation from health care personnel at antenatal clinics:

Some women may be motivated to test for instance if they want to have a child or if they are already pregnant but want to prevent transmission to the unborn child.

Motivation through Community mobilization and Outreach campaigns

Respondents were also universally affirmative about the role of Health Education associated with Community mobilization in potentiating VCT uptake:

I was motivated by a drama group that was advocating and campaigning for VCT.

Motivation by prospective employers

One respondent highlighted a rare but emerging employer trend in Malawi where VCT is more or less still construed as a human rights issue:

I was seeking a job and one day together with two friends we went to a certain Asian who requested us to go for VCT before being considered for the job.

Risk factors

Possible risk factors highlighted as potentiating uptake included concerns about the fidelity or faithfulness of one’s husband with women considering it prudent to test in case the husband through his philandering has contracted HIV and had infected her. Further the socio-cultural gender role of women in Malawi where they are expected to care for the sick was considered a risk factor universally across the FGDs with respondents affirming that some women may seek to know their status if they have been caring for a positive relative. Further allusions were to the desire for vilification in cases where some women guilty-conscious of their promiscuous endeavors would want to know their status. Another risk factor alluded to concerned accidental exposure to blood for example in attending to an injured pal who could be bleeding profusely with the helper seeking to test afterwards.

Blood donation requirement

One respondent also alluded to testing being motivated by the logistical requirements of blood donation:

If for example one wants to donate blood to a next of kin VCT might be a requirement to avoid donating HIV contaminated blood.


Incidentally other respondents alluded to curiosity to just know or just willingness to know one’s status.

Incentives and perceived barriers to VCT

Incentives/benefits of testing

Possibility of accessing treatment and consequently living longer

The possibility of living longer if testing was uptaken earlier was the most common perceived benefit of testing across the FGDs:

Being self-motivated to test even before the inception of diagnostic symptoms prolongs life, one may live longer and more positively as compared to a person who undergoes VCT when sick and with already lower immunity- compliance to drugs [ART] may even be problematic in such a case.

Prevention of further transmission of HIV to others

The possibility of limiting transmission of HIV to others was universally affirmed across the FDGs:

Transmission of HIV unintentionally or unknowingly is curtailed since most people who test positive choose to change their life style especially if it was an extroverted promiscuous one following counseling and a bid to live longer and positively.

Prevention of transmission to one’s partner in case of discordancy

The possibility of limiting transmission to one’s partner in a marital status was overwhelmingly emphasized with the associated need to promote couple counseling:

One is able to limit transmission to one’s partner in case of discordance since the couple is motivated to protect one another for example through condom use.’
Other highlighted benefits in the light of couple testing included instilling more intimacy between partners, development of trust and enhancement of faithfulness or fidelity in case all the partners are tested negative. Further, relative to discordance between couples respondents were of the views that:

Compared to a couple who already know their status and may protect each other, a couple that is not aware of their status may subsequently transmit HIV to each other even if they were discordant initially since they don’t take measures to protect themselves through condom use because of the apparent ignorance.

One partner may play a guardian role reminding the one infected to take the dosage [ART] and of appointments with physicians as well as treatment in case of illness [OI].

Relative to positive living one insightful contribution concerning couple testing focused on compliance to drug regimens:

Couple testing may lead to compliance to drugs bearing in mind that in most cases women or men do undergo VCT clandestinely without the foreknowledge of their partner leading to lack of and fear of disclosure compounded by further secret taking of the dosage…….some wives bury the ARVs in mealie-meal and some husbands hide the ARVs in drawers at work places creating a scenario where the other partner might skip a dose when the other is present for fear of being discovered culminating in drug non-compliance which might be detrimental to one’s health.

Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission

Chances of preventing transmission of HIV to an unborn child was universally cited as another benefit of uptaking VCT:
If tested positive a pregnant woman is given Niverapin to prevent transmitting HIV to the unborn child.
Perceived barriers to VCT

Concerns about the husband

Concerns about how the husband would react to allusions to testing were rife amongst the respondents across the three FGDs. It was highlighted that husbands are often hostile when a wife suggests and negotiates for VCT with some men assuming the wife is being unfaithful. Further due to cultural stereotypes most women don’t have the courage and are powerless to negotiate for VCT:

I fear being divorced if I push for VCT and I also feel losing my husband far outweighs the benefits of testing.

Paradoxically the women also stipulated that in case the husband goes for testing which may explain the relatively higher male VCT uptake rate, the reason is because most men are just more promiscuous and their conscience about indulgence in risky sexual behaviors dictates and justifies their intentions and subsequent uptake of VCT.

Fear of VCT aftermath

The element of fear of the aftermath of VCT was considered a factor strong enough to deter many prospective VCT patrons. It was stressed unanimously that most women still feel a positive test result implies the end of everything with the presumption that they may die soon. Fear also constituted the anxiety, worry, distress a positive test result might bestore with some women fearing being perceived as promiscuous if tested positive especially in cases where the husband would be negative:

He may say I am a prostitute [hule] or I have always been unfaithful.

Fear about being stigmatized and discriminated against was also universally pinpointed as a major barrier to uptaking VCT:

Most of us women fear being ostracized, ridiculed, reviled and despised by fellow women……they may say look at her she has it kachilombo [the virus] she went there and they found it.’

Another sentiment that cropped up with respect to fear was the element of shame in itself and the related fear of being shunned especially by members of the opposite sex in case status was disclosed:

I fear being shunned and no longer being marketable to members of the opposite sex.

Other respondents just felt they would not be courageous enough or have the peace of mind to accept a positive test result with other respondents highlighting a significant factor of concern about the plight and future of the children.

Knowledge gap

The element of ignorance about the benefits of uptaking VCT was also highlighted with its associated factor about some women eliciting ambivalence and mixed feelings about the whole process.

Social comparison/optimistic bias

An interesting and rather significant finding possibly associated with low risk perception was the optimism and social comparison bias posited relative to how other women perceive VCT:

Some apparently health women may feel it a waste of their time to even consider or think about VCT……they perceive HIV/AIDS as others’ problem not necessarily concerning them……generally they feel invulnerable and not at risk of contracting HIV hence no need to even consider VCT.
Carefree mentality/attitude

 Another controversial finding concerned how reckless other promiscuous women would behave regardless of possibilities of being infected:

Other promiscuous women may suspect they are infected but may continue to indulge in risky sexual debuts to deliberately spread the virus to others……they may retort I can’t die alone…….they may be carefree and never even consider screening or they may shun screening indefinitely.

Lack of motivation

Respondents also alluded to motivational factors as inhibiting general responses to VCT with other women considered unconcerned or unmotivated and wanting the service providers to come to them not least of concerns being the long distance to testing centers especially among the rural women:

It might be the presence of the service providers that might motivate us to uptake VCT because centers are located very far away.

Rights issues

Another inhibiting factor revolved around concerns about individual rights vis-à-vis being apparently coerced to undergo HIV testing:

Some women claim they have the right not to test or test, to know or not to know their serostatus and don’t want that right violated.

Provider attitude

Respondents were also of the view that the attitude of service providers might have a bearing in de-motivating women from uptaking VCT:

Most providers focus more on clients perceived to be positive and interventions are also likewise and this attitude puts off many would be motivated to test.


The efficacy of VCT as a preventative strategy relative to the spread of HIV/AIDS is empirically evident. Regardless of mixed and ambivalent reactions due to issues of stigma and discrimination research evidence is replete with implications of the strategy in mitigating the spread of HIV/AIDS with respect to not only risk reduction but overall behavioural change. In Malawi for instance, barriers of cost and convenience on tolerance and acceptance are minimized by the fact that service provision is free across the nation curtsey of the commitment of several stakeholders. The paradox however stems from the lack of acceptance and tolerance of the preventative strategy not only in Malawi but other concerned sub-Saharan African nations. Questions raised about VCT efficacy range from those concerning human rights, confidentiality, client self-motivation, client self-efficacy, coping mechanisms, HIV/AIDS risk perception, medical-ethics, to professional relevancy across the continuum.

The study therefore provides insightful findings that could significantly inform research with respect to factors that may potentiate uptake of VCT among ordinary people. Not only that, the findings above all else provide an eye-opener on factors inhibiting VCT uptake among low-income ordinary women in Malawi. This category of the population was worth focusing on due to the credence and authenticity documented widely on the role socio-economic disparities, deprivation and poverty lend to susceptibility to contracting HIV/AIDS. However the representativeness and generalisability of the lessons drawn from the current study may be a constraint considering the smaller sample and the limitation of the site. Respondents were drawn from around Lilongwe city which is in the Central region of Malawi yet the country has three regions with diverse cultural groupings. Despite this limitation, the fact that the urban and peri-urban groups of the population is multi-cultural with residents emanating from across all the three regions due to emigrational trends and urbanization might have consolidated the attitudinal diversity with respect to HIV/AIDS and VCT. Socio-demographic factors were also not incorporated into the study design.

The study regardless of the limitations posited provides insightful findings without militating against further research possibilities especially from the quantitative domain. In as far as the findings are concerned; though there is cause for optimism considering the fact that the majority of respondents were aware of the benefits of testing; it is rather worrisome to note that most respondents were concerned about their partner’s [husband] infidelity or unfaithfulness and ironical negative attitude toward as well as impossibility of tolerating VCT within the marital setting. Sentiments about fearing being divorced and labeling that concern as far outweighing the prudence of uptaking VCT depicts a very counterproductive element with respect to the fight against HIV/AIDS but significant variable previous motivational studies might have overlooked. Consistent with the finding Lowy (1999) documents that in the United States, about three and a half million women are at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS because they mistakenly believe they are in a monogamous relationship, when, in fact, their partners are being unfaithful. This empirical paucity about the poignancy of negotiating partner testing and disclosure has been extensively documented (Rajaraman and Surrender, 2009; Maman, Mbwambo, Hogan, Kilonzo and Sweat, 2001; De Paoli et. al, 2004; Sangwiwa, 2000; Bakari, 2000; Wolff, 2005). Concerns about partner unfaithfulness and infidelity as motivators and husband intolerance as a barrier to VCT among ordinary women further underscore the need to emphasize more on strategies that are hinged on commitment to one partner such as ‘Zero grazing’ in Uganda and ‘One love’ currently being advocated in Malawi.

Reference to stigma and discrimination is not a surprise empirical validation to that effect being replete (Castle, 2003; Lie and Biswalo, 1994; Rajaraman and Surrender, 2009; Wolff, Nyazi, Katongole, Ssesanga, Duberantwari and Whitworth, 2005). The current study however depicts that in Malawi issues of stigma might still be a major barrier in relation to intentions to or even considering uptaking VCT. It cannot be overlooked that the anticipated psychological trauma of being ostracized, ridiculed, reviled and despised might play a significant role in deterring apparently health, asymptomatic but potentially infected persons from uptaking VCT not least of all those who may actually be negative but are just willing and curious to know their status but worried about the traumatisation in case they test positive. The result posits the risk of jeopardizing on design and implementation of programmes to promote preventive testing and re-strategizing of VCT as a two fold Public health rationale. Specifically emphasizing first, that apart from the benefits of antiretroviral treatment, informing HIV positive people of their serostatus would be crucial if they are to limit further transmission of the virus. Second, that it is hoped those who find out that they are HIV negative will take steps to protect themselves from infection in the future. However, as the current study has reflected, the anticipated psychological trauma on its own may realistically and primarily be endured by those who might suspect that they have symptoms of HIV or are already very sick. On the contrary, asymptomatic HIV positive people may continue to transmit the virus unknowingly while efforts at increasing knowledge of HIV status among those who are HIV negative may be less effective.

Interestingly it was not expected that streaks of optimism, being non-committal and lacking concern about HIV/AIDS and VCT could be alluded to as proximate barriers to uptaking VCT in the current study considering the severity of AIDS and its high prevalence rate in Malawi. Notwithstanding;  low perception of risk, and personal optimism through perceptions of AIDS as other’s problem may be explained from the perspective that people may often view threats as not personally relevant and typically see themselves as facing less risk than average others [which could be true for only half a population] (Byrne and Baron, 2004). There is a general tendency to believe in one’s invulnerability to diseases (Buzwell and Rosenthal, 1995; Rosenthal and Shepherd, 1993). It is very comforting, though incorrect, to believe that it hasn’t happened to me, and it won’t happen to me because it can’t happen to me. Unfortunately, it can and might but many people tend to downplay the possibility of contracting HIV/AIDS. It is very difficult and taxing to bring about attitudinal and behavioral change because of this social comparison or optimistic bias (Weinstein, 1984) stemming from both cognitive processes [e.g., the greater availability of the precautions that one takes] and motivational processes [e.g., wishful thinking] and prompting unwarranted risk taking as well as poor health seeking behaviours because health messages seem more applicable or relevant to other people.

With respect to motivators to testing, the sentiment in the current study especially among the rural group about being motivated by the visitation and subsequent proximity of a VCT service provider team and allusions of preference to home-based service provision in mobile and outreach campaigns was extremely insightful. The finding is consistent with those in a study that occurred parallel to a larger Malawi Diffusion  and Ideational Change Project [MDICP]  project funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development [NICHD]. Hypothesizing that rural Malawians would respond more enthusiastically to, and favor rapid testing in other settings rather than routine health facilities as well as over testing with delayed results; it was found out that most respondents favored VCT and the dissemination of results within their homes over other areas such as hospitals (Kimchi, 2005). According to the study results, one of the most prominent justifications for home-based service preference was that the home protected their privacy and the confidentiality of the test result in a way that getting tested in a hospital or other service center could not. This specifically highlights the pertinent need for an opportunity to come together, to discuss serostatus results in a safe setting, and to negotiate a risk- reduction plan- a strategy that could be considered in all studies of serodiscordant couples, and may have potential to reduce the high rate of transmission among such couples in developing countries.

The current study’s provider proximity and preference for home-based provision of VCT is also consistent with findings from a study conducted on the Likoma Island of Malawi (Helleringer, 2009). The study was aimed at measuring the uptake of home-based VCT and estimate HIV prevalence among members of the poorest households in a sub-Saharan population. It was observed that despite the fact that less than a quarter of the study population had previously participated in facility based VCT, home-based provision of VCT was very well accepted in the study population. When present at home at the time of the VCT team’s visit, more than 75% of respondents accepted to be tested and immediately retrieved their HIV test results. Uptake was even higher among the poorest, suggesting a strong unmet need for VCT in the most disadvantaged subgroups of the population. The current study’s finding coupled with the MDICP and Likoma findings are insightful in the sense that they highlight a gap in accessibility to VCT services especially in rural Malawi begging the question as to whether the majority of people are really not motivated to uptake VCT or rather that the service in itself is not readily available. The finding also sheds light to the implication that home-based provision of VCT services has a potential of not only increasing uptake of VCT among ordinary women who may not have contact with routine health services or who are reluctant to visit them due to other extraneous factors. There is also hope to reduce the socio-economic gradient in VCT utilization which has ramifications in the overall fight against the pandemic. Not only that, home-based VCT has the potential to promote couples oriented testing with empirical findings depicting current strong self-selection among couples in the use of VCT (Glick, 2005). The current study actually alludes to clandestine patronage with its implications vis-à-vis compliance to drug regimens. Overally the findings therefore point to implications in scaling down and mitigating an emerging threat in exponential prevalence rates in the name of serodiscordant coupling.

In relation to couple testing, the current study posited the potential to instill intimacy between partners, fostering of trust and enhancement of faithfulness or fidelity if partners tested negative. Above all else couple testing was considered a precursor to positive living as well as a means of limiting transmission of HIV to one’s partner in cases of sero-discordancy but only when all partners were aware of their serostatus since ignorance was shown to exponentially perpetrate the opposite trend. The findings are consistent with those of a study conducted among a cohort of Rwandan women (Allen, Serufilira,, 1992). The study results show that the discordancy HIV-seroconversion rates decreased in seronegative women whose partners were not tested. In the same vein another interesting empirically documented finding highlights that counseling of couples and/or partner testing appears to be effective at altering risk behavior as well as more effective than individual testing and counseling when the two are compared (Kamenga, 1991).

Overall although offering less reason for optimism in the design and implementation of VCT programmes in Malawi the foregoing findings present important implications relative to the proximate efficacy of VCT in promoting Behavioral change relative to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. The factors that potentiate VCT uptake as unveiled may be fundamental for VCT Policy development, implementation and evaluation and as well for an overall public health impact.  There is however need to address prevailing gaps especially concerning awareness of the benefits of testing considered not comprehensive enough through community mobilization and outreach campaigns and scaling up home-based provision through door to door services if necessary. The need to address these prevailing gaps hinges upon the backdrop that VCT will have significant impact on the epidemic only if it is able to attract and target large numbers of HIV-positive individuals, particularly those who are not yet ill, are asymptomatic, are unaware of their serostatus, are still sexually active and hence posit an exponential probability of further transmitting and spreading the virus.


My most important methodological conclusion is that demand for VCT services may increase both as a diagnostic and public health preventative tool in the medical management of people infected with and affected by HIV in Malawi in particular and other high prevalent countries of sub-Saharan Africa in general. The current study highlights among other factors the need to reinforce couple counseling and testing as well as overall public health education on the benefits of VCT.  Above all else the study unravels the unequivocal need to emphasize on home based service provision which may guarantee not only confidentiality but help abate and mitigate the pandemic by targeting a new wave to the crisis vis-à-vis HIV/AIDS relative to Malawi and other affected sub-Saharan nations  in the name of serodiscordant coupling. Also unveiled in relation to home based provision of VCT is an important element that the service innovation may also tap on that exponentially higher poor rural-populace who may not have contact with routine health services or are often reluctant to patronize such service centers in generic hospitals or other facilities due to extraneous variables. As the study further postulates, home based VCT service provision also promises to substantially reduce the socioeconomic gradient in VCT utilization observed in several sub-Saharan African countries with substantive implications in the fight against the pandemic. Notwithstanding, with an efficacious vaccine and cure for HIV and AIDS still elusive, focusing on stringent mitigative strategies such as VCT remains the window of hope in our desperate war against the HIV/AIDS pandemic not only in Malawi but sub-Saharan Africa in general.


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