Thursday, April 28, 2011






‘The theory of relativity belongs to the class of principle theories. As such it employs an analytic method. This means that the elements which comprise this theory are not based on hypothesis but on empirical discovery. The empirical discovery leads to understanding the general characteristics of natural processes. Mathematical models are then developed which separate the natural processes into theoretical-mathematical descriptions. Therefore, by analytical means the necessary conditions that have to be satisfied are deduced. Separate events must satisfy these conditions. Experience should then match the conditions. The special theory of relativity and general theory of relativity are connected.’

On Einstein’s theory of relativity- Wikipedia


Clinical applications

  • Psoriasis
  • Wounds
  • Shingles
  • First degree and second degree burns
  • Acne
  • Diabetes-  improves blood glucose/stabilizes sugar levels
  • Hyperlipdemia- lowers blood lipids
  • Hepatitis
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Immunostimulant- aiding in fighting cancer/limits tumor growth and metastasis particularly in lung cancer
  • Improves circulation
  • Hypertension- lowers blood pressure
  • Reduction in joint inflammation, arthritis, rheumatism
  • Laxative- improves peristalsis thus fights constipation
  • Lessens the symptoms of heartburn, peptic ulcer and Crohn’s disease
  • Because of its stimulation and boosting of the immune system Aloe Vera is considered a potential treatment for AIDS patients.
  • Acemannan one principle of Aloe Vera has been shown to slow the AIDS virus from replicating and spreading through its correlations with increased interferon production [an antiviral protein with the ability to interfere with viral replication by rendering cells refractory to protein synthesis].
  • Reduction in Chronic disease risk and helps in recuperation after illness.
  • Lowers triglycerides, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels.
  • Because of high levels of collagen which help maintain lean body mass may help in weight loss for the obese.
  • Detoxifies the body.
  • Genital herpes

Should however be taken in moderation since high intake can result in lowered potassium levels.

GARLIC [allium sativum]

Clinical applications

  • Hyperlipdemia- lowers lipid levels
  • Thrombosis- reduces formation of clots [platelet aggregation] in blood vessels through the blood thinning’ cascade effect’ thus reducing chances of stroke and heart attack.
  • Hypertension- lowers blood pressure
  • Reduces menstrual pain, muscle pain, nerve pain and arthritis.
  • Treats corns, warts, calluses ear infection and other dermatological problems.
  • Vermifuge- treats intestinal worms.
  • Diabetes- reduces blood sugar levels
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Immunostimulant- aids in combating cancer/ retards tumor formation and metastasis-spread.
  • Increases blood levels of antioxidant enzymes thus acts as an effective remedy against the oxidative effects caused by free radicals.
  • Prevents LDL cholesterol oxidation.
  • Lowers triglycerides and cholesterol levels.
  • Inhibits lipid peroxidation in the liver retarding the aging process of liver cells.
  • Maintains the health functioning of the liver.
  • Detoxification of the liver and entire body thus improving metabolism.
  • Garlic has been used reasonably successfully in AIDS patients to treat cryptosporidium, toxoplasmosis and other opportunistic infections.
  • The ethers in garlic though this has not been substantiated empirically act as lipid solvents inactivating the infectivity of viruses including herpes viridae, hepatitis B and HIV [in vitro findings].
  • Garlic stimulates the activity of the defensive cells of the body, both lymphocytes and macrophages- these cells which flow with the blood protect us from micro-organisms, and furthermore they are able to destroy cancerous cells, at least in the initial phases of tumor formation.
  • The consumption of garlic has a good effect on any infectious disease augmenting the defensive ability of our body, besides directly destroying certain micro-organisms.
  • Depurative- purifies the body by enhancing elimination of waste through the kidneys, the liver and the skin.
  • Promotes METABOLISM.
  • Promotes CATABOLISM.
  • Garlic principles act against various types of fungi, yeasts, and some viruses, such as HERPES and HIV 1 and 2- the active principles of garlic are supposed to interact with the nucleic acids of the virus, thus limiting its proliferation.
  • Principles act in vitro and in vivo against the following micro-organisms: E Coli, Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, Candida- due to sulfurated essence which diffuses easily throughout the body’s tissues.
  • Balances the intestinal flora and stimulates natural immunity.

  • Rich in Vitamin C- ASCOBIC ACID and Vitamin B 3 – NIACIN PPFactor which acts as a coenzyme within the body facilitating the numerous chemical reactions essential to carbohydrate and fat metabolism allowing these nutrients to provide energy to the cells- lack of NIACIN manifests itself by dry, cracked, red skin as well as muscular weakness and dyspepsia.

Serious deficiency of NIACIN causes PELLAGRA characterized by the so called three D’s--- DERMATITIS, DIARRHOEA, DEMENTIA.

High intake may however reduce clotting effects in platelets prolonging bleeding in injury and child birth thus not recommended in pregnancy.

GINGER [zingiber officinale]

Clinical applications

Ø  Antispasmodic- it relaxes all types of muscles
Ø  Aromatic- ginger’s aroma, flavor and warmth help to stimulate the digestive system.
Ø  Diuretic hence prevents fluid retention and oedema
Ø  Carminative- the volatile oils in ginger relax the stomach and stimulate peristalsis thereby supporting digestion and reducing gas and flatulence/ helps cure and prevent- dyspepsia, slow motility symptoms, constipation, gastroparesis.
Ø  Diaphoretic- it induces perspiration and the elimination of toxins through the skin.
Ø  Rubefacient- applied to the skin, ginger stimulates and dilates the blood capillaries thus increasing circulation.
Ø  Sialogogue- ginger promotes the secretion of saliva.
Ø  Stimulant- as a circulatory aid, ginger supports and speeds up the body’s physiological systems.
Ø  Cardiovascular- prevents the formation of clots in blood vessels through the ‘cascade effect’- preventing obstructions that result in stroke and heart attack.
Ø  Rhematism and joint pain prevention
Ø  Fatigue, headache, nausea and poor dietary habits remedy.
Ø  Energy levels, mood, emotion are improved promoting balance.
Ø  Detoxification- ginger expels toxins opens the pores of the skin and stimulates circulation therefore it is considered useful in colds, influenza, mucus congestion and fluid blockages in the body.
Ø  Detoxifies the liver with effects in lifting depressive, angry or sad moods.
Ø  For the energy and mind ginger inspires confidence due to its metabolic effects and support to body systems.
Ø  Ginger principles promote the production of the cytokine Tumor necrosis factor [TNF-∞] in the alveolar macrophages which might express an antiviral HIV, influenza, Hepatitis B effect.
Ø  Improves male health.

Must be avoided however during pregnancy for it may result in abortion although some practitioners content it reduces motion and morning sickness.


Clinical applications

·         Best known as excellent source of nutrition and a natural energy booster.
·         Leaves rich in iron therefore highly recommended for expectant mothers.
·         Since all essential amino acids are present Moringa may be rightly called a complete food for total nutrition –more Vitamin A than carrots, more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach, more Vitamin C than the orange, more potassium than the banana and the protein quality of Moringa leaves rivals that of milk and eggs.
·         Analgesic- alcoholic extracts of the leaf possess marked analgesic activity.
·         Anti-inflammatory activity- poultice of leaves is beneficial in glandular swelling.
·         Antipyretic activity- the antipyretic activity of ethanolic, petroleum ether, solvent ether [ethers have antiviral activity- thus moringa’s correlation with improved CD4+ counts] and ethyl acetate extracts of seeds was screened using yeast induced hyperpyrexia method. Paracetamol was used as a standard for comparison. The ethanolic and ethyl acetate extracts of seeds showed significant antipyretic activity.
·         Antiasthmatic activity- a study showed appreciable decrease in severity of symptoms of asthma and simultaneous improvements in respiratory function.
·         Wound healing properties- when assessed for healing activity in excision, incision and dead space wounds the ethanolic and ethyl acetate extracts of leaves showed significant wound healing activity that is comparable with the standard vicco turmeric cream. PHYTOSTEROLS AND PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS present in these extracts promote the wound healing activity.
·         Antidiabetic activity- an extract from the Moringa leaf has been shown to be effective in lowering blood sugar levels within 3 hrs ingestion.
·         Hepatoprotective activity- the methanolic and chloroform extracts [chloroform has antiviral properties due to its lipid solvent properties on enveloped viridae e.g., HIV 1/2, herpes, etc] of leaves of Moringa have shown very significant hepatoprotection aganst CCL induced hepatotoxicity.
·         Antitumor and anticancer activity- few isolated bioactive compounds from the seeds were tested for antitumor promotive activity using 7, 12 DMBA as initiator and TPA as tumor promoter. From the results, niazimicin, thiocarbamate from the leaves of Moringa oleifera was found to be potent chemopreventive agent in chemical CARCINOGENESIS.
·         The seed extracts also effective on hepatic carcinogen metabolizing enzymes, antioxidant parameters and skin papillomagenesis.
·         Antimicrobial activity – rich in antimicrobial agents- the active antibiotic principle pterygospermin has powerful antibacterial, antiviral and fungicidal effects.
·         Antihypertensive, diuretic and cholesterol lowering activities- Moringa leaf juice is known to have a stabilizing effect on blood pressure.
·         Antispasmodic, antiulcer and anthelmentic activities.
·         Blindness and eye infection- due to high Vitamin A prevents night blindness and delays outset of cataracts. Juice can be instilled in eyes in cases of conjunctivitis.
·         Cardiac and circulatory stimulant- Moringa acts on the sympathetic nervous system and acts as a cardiac stimulant.
·         Antioxidant activity- oils derived from the dried seeds –aqueous methanol [80%] and ethanol [70%] extracts of freeze dried leaves showed radical scavenging and antioxidant activities- acts on free radicals. Leaves potential source of natural antioxidants.
·         Detoxifier.
·         Considerable efficacy in water purification by flocculation, sedimentation and antibiosis.
·         Sexual virility- treats erectile dysfunction in men and prolongs sexual activity in women.
·         Venomous bites- treats by snakes, spiders, scorpions etc



Clinical application

·         Improves skin texture
·         Prevents water retention in tissues- oedema
·         Improves digestion- heals constipation, colitis, abdominal distension
·         Nervous functioning- thinking, perceiving, memory
·         Respiratory tract- bronchitis, reduces phlegm, flu, colds
·         Reproductive- prolapse of the uterus
·         Eye- high in betacarotene the precursor to Vitamin A thus good for the eyes
·         Richest in Vitamin C thus prevents disease associated with deficiency
·         Anti-septic
·         Anti-depressant
·         Sedative
·         Tonic
·         AIDS- oranges slow but do not completely halt the development of viruses in cells- they increase the production of interferon an antiviral protein produced within the body. Interferon interferes with viral replication by rendering cells refractory to protein synthesis.
·         Richness in Vitamin C enhances iron absorption.
·         Organic acids particularly citric acid potentiates the activity of Vitamin C and facilitate the elimination of toxic residues such as uric acid from the body.
·         Rich carotenoids similar to beta-carotene- which transform into Vitamin A in the body act as powerful antioxidants [beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein, and zeaxanthin].
·         Thanks to the combination of Vitamin C and other natural chemical substances they contain- oranges increase the disease fighting capabilities of LEUCOCYTES- they increase the number and longevity of these white blood cells attributed to the combined effect of folic acid and Vitamin C.
·         The flavonoids found in oranges potentiated by Vitamin C inhibit the building of clot forming platelets in the blood thus oranges help make the blood more fluid and improve circulation particularly in the two organs requiring the most consistent blood supply- THE BRAIN and THE HEART.
·         ORANGES also contain four highly effective ANTIOXIDANTS that mutually potentiate themselves- VITAMIN C, QUERATIN, PROVITAMIN A and FOLIC ACID.

The result is a powerful antioxidant effect on all of the body’s cells

·         Today it is known that arteriosclerosis and the aging process itself have their biochemical origin in oxidizing phenomena- high doses of VITAMIN C is proven to reduce blood pressure significantly.

Regular orange consumption including the pulp and even the mesocarp is associated with reduced blood cholesterol, lowered blood pressure and lower rates of arteriosclerosis, arterial thrombosis and heart disease.

·         Oranges help cure constipation and intestinal atony through two mechanisms: they stimulate the empting of the gall bladder [CHOLAGOGIC effect] with the subsequent laxative effect of bile in the intestine and their soft vegetable fiber stimulates peristaltic action in the intestine.
·         In addition to relieving constipation, oranges alleviate the hemorrhoids that often accompany it. To achieve the best results in both cases an orange treatment should be followed----four to six oranges per day.

May however perpetrate hyperactivity in the baby in pregnancy, and in  young children.

CINNAMON [cinnamomum verum/ cinnamomum aromaticum- cassia]

Clinical applications

·         Rich source of iron, calcium and manganese.

·         Increases energy and elevates the mood.

·         Calms the stomach and prevents ulcers.

·         Contains benzaldehydes an active antitumor agent hence applicable in cancer treatment- researchers are investigating its role in leukemia and lymphomas.

·         Prevents urinary tract infection and candida.

·         Improves male health.

·         Effective remedy for common cold- coarsely powdered and boiled in a glass of water with a pinch of pepper powder and honey, can be beneficially used in influenza, sore throat, and malaria.

·         Alleviates indigestion, stomach cramps, intestine spasms, nausea and flatulence- a tablespoon of cinnamon water mixed with honey relieves flatulence and indigestion.

·         Serves as a good mouth freshener.

·         Cinnamon prevents nervous tension, improves complexion and memory.

·         Alleviates headache produced by exposure to cold air- apply a paste of finely powdered cinnamon mixed in water on the temples and forehead.

·         Improves the appetite and treats diarrhea.

·         Anti-inflammatory properties- thus useful in treating rheumatism and other inflammations as joint stiffness caused by arthritis in general stimulating the healthy functioning of all the vital human organs.

·         Anti-spasmodic properties- thus useful in treating spasmodic afflictions, asthma, excessive menstruation, paralysis, uterus disorders and gonorrhea and good for female gynecological health.

·         Provides relief from morning sickness and nasal congestion.

·         Promotes healthy teeth and gums.

·         Anti-clotting properties- improves blood circulation thus useful in alleviating stroke, hypertension and other cardiovascular problems.

·         Sometimes used as a prophylactic agent, to control German measles.

·         Extracts active against candida albicans, the fungus responsible for vaginal yeast infection.

·         Extracts active against helicobacter pylori, the bacterium responsible for stomach ulcers.

·         Antimicrobial properties are due to eugenol and cinnamaldehyde.

·         Extracts in vitro inhibit the growth of cultured tumor cells.

·         Useful as a food preservative to inhibit the growth of common

          food-bourne bacteria such as Salmonella and E coli.

·         Boosts the immune system against infection.

·         Diabetes- stabilizes sugar levels due to water-soluble polyphenolic polymers derived from an antioxidant catechins a compound which increases insulin sensitivity by enhancing insulin receptor function and increase glucose uptake.

A study involving 60 men and women, average age 52 years, who had type 2 diabetes, were given half teaspoon a day of cinnamon for 6 weeks and they showed a 25% decrease in fasting blood glucose levels as well as a 12% drop in blood cholesterol levels and a 30% drop in blood triglyceride levels.
Can be toxic in larger doses due to cinnamaldehyde, the major oily constituent of the bark.


Aney JS et. al [2009] Pharmacological and Phamaceutical potential of Moringa Oleifera : A review, Journal of Pharmacy Research, vol. 2. Issue 9 September.

Aloe vera research [1997] Research on clinical uses of Aloe vera, Summary of Articles, Oxford University, htm

Davies JR [2010] Traditional western herbal products- Ginger zingiber offffinale, Herbs Hands Healing, htm

Faley J [2005] Molinga Olefeira: A review of the Medical Evidence for its Nutritional, Therapeutic and Prophylactic properties, Trees for life Journal, 1(5).

Falsetto S [2008] Healing properties of the Orange tree, htm

Grzanna R [2010] Ginger: An Herbal Medicinal Product with Broad Anti-Inflammatory Actions, mhtml.

Hamman JH [2008] Composition and Applications of Aloe vera Leaf gel, Molecules, 13, 1599-1616.

Mhtml:file://C:/ Documents [2010]-  Health Benefits of Garlic.

Mama S [2010] Cinnamon and its healing properties, htm

Mandarin Orange, Wikipedia, htm

          Moringa, Wikipedia, htm

          Ping- Hsien Chuang et. al [2005] Antifungal activity of crude extracts and  
          essential oil of Moringa Oleifera, ELSERVIER htm.

         Vegetarianism and vegetarian nutrition [2010] Cinnamon- Health benefits,




Moringa oleifera
Aloe vera
Mandarine orange
Damerera sugar

Missing due to unavailability in Malawi but pharmacologically pertinent:

Morinda citrifolia [noni]

For security of product: -preparation technique still confidential to product trade mark!

Clinical applications- AIDS, Cancer, Hypertension, Diabetes, Asthma, Gastric atony, Ulcer, Hyperlipdemia, Cholestrol, Obesity [ETC]



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